South Florida Area Project

South Florida Area Bivalve Venericardia tridentata (2520)

Illustrations and objective data courtesy of AMOCO Production Co., Alan B. Shaw (Manager, South Florida Carbonate Project), and Brian F. Glenister (AMOCO Consultant).

Specimen size:
1 - 5 mm high

1. Exterior of right valve
2. Anterior
3. Dorsal
4. Ventral
5. Exterior of left valve
6. Posterior
Morphologic Description: (after Morris 1975, Rehder 1981)
    Shape: prosogyral
    Posterior: rounded
    Sculpture: radial
    Muscle Scars: light
    Number of teeth in left valve: 3
    Number of teeth in right valve: 4

Sampling Information:

Locality Latitude Longitude Sample Number Abundance Description

Last updated on 27 July 2004 - has
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